Welcome to shedNotMan. In time, this'll be a home for my projects and interests to live.
Following the tutorials on W3 Schools so we'll see how far...
... I get.
Who'd have thought I'd make it this far
Not sure I did in all honesty.
In time I'll probably keep this as a test page somewhere. It won't be the index page though. It'll get moved but kept somewhere so I can check things relatively quickly when I inevitably forget things.
How about we try some bold text. And maybe some STRONG TEXT.
We'll get some italics and some emphasised text as well!
Small text can be cute.
Who could forget marked text. Must be important if it's highlighted.
And what if I needed to corrrrrect correct an error.
And then the ever important subscript and superscript.
I recently read Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd. This is one of the sections that stoof out to me:
... often the mountain gives itself most completely when I have no destination, when I reach nowhere in particular, but have gone out merely to be with the mountain as one visits a friend with no intention but to be with him.
I snuck in a cite for the title of the book in there as well. Not in the order of the W3 tutorial but it's my website so I'll do what I want.
Here's another quote from that book that describes the sun rise over the Cairngorms as being like the blue blooms on plums
which is just a beautiful use of language.
Next up is abbreviations. Don't have any that relate the aforementioned book but in the Fender loving guitar world there's an acronym of WWLD, similar to
You've got RGB...
and HSL.
You can add transparency to RGB and HSL as well. This is the same colour as the base text for the rest of the page, but at 50% transparency.